I am Adriana Marie, the founder of Lunar Healing. Lunar Healing was birthed from descending deep within my own body and traumas to ignite my passion and be a guide in raising the consciousness of others to return back home to yourself.


I am a Quantum Shamanic and Womb Awakening practitioner, licensed ceremonial massage/bodywork therapist, medium, and Reiki Teacher. I graduated with a Bachelor's of Applied Science degree from Kansas City College in 2005. I began my studies and practice in energy healing in 2012. 

My passion is guiding others through their trauma and illness they're holding in their body to eradicate what no longer serves and reclaim all parts of you whole and healed. Through a journey together into the energy in and around you, I follow that energy signature to the root cause opening the door to bring love and radical forgiveness to these parts of you.

Through my own healing of trauma and training, I have a deep innerstanding of the importance of meeting you exactly where you are, and creating a safe, loving, and judgment-free container to go to the depths of what's causing you dis-ease. I bridge the physical and mystical worlds for a transformational healing during intentional 1:1 sessions to include energy healing and body work, events, ceremonies, and retreats. Each of these hold their own uniqueness to allow space for you to connect deep within to bring that healing and transformation of your mind, body, and walk home to your soul to begin to live your best lifeI believe all bodies need a safe, judgment-free environment to receive healing and walk home to your soul-full self. I incorporate this belief in my practice, and I believe in creating accessibility and awareness around alternative medicine.

I am passionate about exploring the depths of the human experience and holding the container of the highest vibration for others to receive radicle healing and life changing results to serve their highest and greatest good.


You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your 

imperfections, and wonderfully made.

--Abiola Abrams

I’d love to help you find your path home to center.

See how you can work with me to discover how to step into the highest version of yourself and let your light shine bright. 


  • "Adriana is such a gifted healer. She is powerful in her ability to channel energy and tap into amazing spiritual visions. She is also super down-to-earth, grounded, and so kind, loving and compassionate. Our session together was so nurturing. I felt my body and soul come into greater balance and felt so soothed and supported by her beautiful presence. I highly recommend receiving energy work from this incredible lady!"

    — Jade

  • "First, THANK YOU Adriana! A few months ago I started to experience more than my “normal” anxiety. It went from silly worries to extreme panic attacks. I was referred to Adri and I am beyond grateful for her support, guidance, and passion. Adri not only helped me sort through my thoughts but she helped me understand where they were coming from and why. Which is exactly what I needed and it’s what I continue to practice on a daily basis as I overcome each little wave of anxiety. She taught me to breathe. She taught me to accept my thoughts and figure them out! I highly recommend Adriana. Her soft, sweet, gentle personality paired with her knowledge and wisdom will put your mind at ease and encourage you to put yourself first. Treat your mind, body, and soul!"

    — Ashlei

  • "I attended my first Reiki Circle class & it was absolutely amazing! I came into the meditation with severe back pain, overactive nerves system and my chakra's all out of balance! As soon as Adriana laid hands on me I felt deep sensations of negative energy releasing from my body, relaxation overcome me. My entire mind, body & spirit was aligned & open to healing. The experience was very powerful, and the energy held in the room was full of love, light & healing! If you haven't tried reiki or feel yourself in need of balance, emotional release or have pain of any kind I encourage you to connect with Adriana. She truly has such a gift that can touch all."

    — Kelsie

  • "I have had several kinds of healing sessions with other practitioners, but this one was by far the most healing. Adrianna is able to heal layers deep within that stem all the way back to child hood wounds. She cleared anger I had been holding onto since age 7 and opened up blockages in my chakras, including the heart!"

    — Eric

  • "Adriana is one of the most amazing, gifted, and talented earth angels. I have been very blessed to receive healing in her hands at a time when I didn't even know I needed it. She left me feeling full of peace. I cannot wait to have the amazing gift of another treatment."

    — Cora


Join me for a 20 minute consult to see how I can help you.