work with me





    I offer sessions that range from 90 minutes to 3 hours in my studio located in the Historical District of Saint Charles, MO.


    My monthly mentorship helps you define your innate abilities and strengthen them.

About my services

  • A Shaman is a healer who journeys into an altered state of consciousness to access hidden reality in the spirit world for purposes of bringing back healing, power and information.


    During this 2-hour session I work to restore balance and wholeness by addressing the root cause of the problem. Many methods are used in shamanic healing;  such as, removal of unwanted energies, soul retrieval, soul remembering, ancestral work, helping the deceased cross over into the light, hands on healing and body work.


    During my practice, I am a clear and open channel for Universal healing, wisdom and love to flow through me for the healing of the client. Each person is unique and will experience different results from Shamanic healing.

  • The most powerful thing a woman can do is learn how to drop into the womb. The womb is a powerful center of energy in women. She is the seat of your intuition. It carries so much sacred wisdom and grace. There are a lot of traumas held in the womb, including traumas from your lineage; mother, grandmother, etc. Often we hold resistance because we don't want to confront the pain we’re experiencing.

    As you feel a connection to your womb it will give you strength to allow you to feel the connection and heal the trauma. As you heal you are stopping that in your lineage from going forward and energetically healing and clearing those that came before you.

    During this 2-hour session we work with the body as a whole with a focus on the entire abdomen and journey into the depths of your womb to release emotional memories and blockages that have accumulated over time. You will begin to build a deeper connection with your feminine flow. This modality includes hands on healing and body work.

  • Ceremonial Body work opens the body ever so gently moving emotional patterns to clear dense and unprocessed emotions. Tuning into the operating system that is your heart. Opening up to a deeply intimate and embodied experience of self love, radical forgiveness and total connection of Source-the I AM presence through the highest frequency using quantum light to allow the body to receive healing on a quantum level.

    During this 3-hour session we offer a cellular body and physical body restructuring through quantum energetics and body work to allow healing and upgrade to quantum leap you into your highest timeline you are ready for not only on an earthly plane but also on a cosmic level.

    Ceremonial Bodywork incorporates gentle body movement, quantum energetics and bodywork through stretching and massage. This is the homecoming your soul and body have been yearning for.

  • Reiki is an energy healing method that is done either in person or long distance. It promotes healing by activating the relaxation response and helping the body balance itself from a very deep level. Reiki naturally brings you into a state of deep relaxation, promoting grounding, balance, a release of stress, tension and anxieties.

    As Reiki flows through a sick or unhealthy area, it breaks up and releases any negative thoughts or feelings lodged in the unconscious mind/body restoring a normal flow to your energy. Reiki supports and accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal itself, helping to release blockages, alleviate pain and relieve other symptoms.

    During this 90- minute Reiki session it will create deep relaxation, harmony and balance in the entire body for overall health and wellness.

  • The Akashic Records are an immense energetic database where every soul ever born has a record; the Universal Library. The human energy body is continually transmitting information to the records in the form of what we say, feel, think and do. Some of the most fascinating information can be found in the records. The information contained in the Records is the deepest level of information about a person.

    If you have ever wondered “Who am I?”, “What is my purpose?”, “What am I here to do?” then an Akashic Records reading is for you. This is high vibrational information that really helps a person focus in and gain their strengths. Find out what is right for you and your soul to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Another benefit of this reading that many people find helpful is figuring out their life lessons. Do you ever ask yourself “Why am I constantly being faced with these difficult experiences?” There is a reason. An Akashic Records reading can help you understand what your soul contracted to learn and to teach you.

    A huge advantage to having a reading is realigning your energies with those of your soul path. You will start to feel differences, desire for more knowledge and feel called to take more action in your life to live your purpose.